Mr. Burim Chombhubol Between January 5, 2009 and March 27, 2009, Mr. Burim Chombhubol, T.U. Dome fund manager at that time, and Mr. Maris Tarab, former ING Funds managing director and T.U. Dome fund
Mr. Maris Tarab Between January 5, 2009 and March 27, 2009, Mr. Maris Tarab, then ING Funds managing director and T.U. Dome fund manager, and Mr. Burim Chombhubol, another former T.U. Dome fund
performing their duties dishonestly by proceeding for T.U. Dome Fund to pay to Bania Co., Ltd. 10.4 million baht for the turnkey contract of construction and improvements of certain areas in T.U. Dome Fund
. Dome Fund to pay to Bania Co., Ltd. 10.4 million baht for the turnkey contract of construction and improvements of certain areas in T.U. Dome Fund assets, which was, however, incorrect and caused damage