area of Bangkok. Hyperreality Experience will be provided in 7 domes and each dome will have different activities. Customers will have to purchase tickets. Timing activity in each dome is 8 minutes in
from foreign country. This is because it will create the “Family Attraction” in the area of Bangkok. Hyperreality Experience will be provided in 7 domes and each dome will have different activities
families from Thailand and from foreign country. This is because it will create the “Family Attraction” in the area of Bangkok. Hyperreality Experience will be provided in 7 domes and each dome will have
. Hyperreality Experience will be provided in 7 domes and each dome will have different activities. Customers will have to purchase tickets. Timing activity in each dome is 8 minutes in average within the area of
each dome will have different activities. Customers will have to purchase tickets. Timing activity in each dome is 8 minutes in average within the area of 12,935 Square Meters, hosting maximum of 10,950
2204 2601 Fax. 0 2204 2616 Grammy Award in 2019 . The concert is scheduled to be held on July 25 , 2019 at Thunder Dome; Muang Thong Thani where could accommodate the audiences around 6 ,0 0 0 - 8 ,0 0 0
least two concerts in the second half of the year 2019; namely (1) Daniel Caesar Live in Bangkok 2019. The concert was scheduled to be held on July 25, 2019 at Thunder Dome; Muang Thong Thani where could
งอยา่งมากและได้รับรางวลั Grammy Award ในปี 2562 โดยคอนเสร์ิตจะจดั ขึน้วนัที่ 25 กรกฎาคม 2562 ณ Thunder Dome เมืองทองธานี ซึ่งจะสามารถรองรับผู้ เข้าชมได้ประมาณ 6,000-8,000 คน ทางบริษัทจะรับรู้รายได้จา