the transparency of such activities and
of the supervision and monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency of such activities and
and fund voting Supervision of the Securities Exchange Enhancing competitiveness of the capital market Establishment of the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF) Effectiveness, clarity and transparency
monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency
Decree are that the law is enacted to ensure the effectiveness of the supervision and monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency of such activities and
liberty under this Emergency Decree are that the law is enacted to ensure the effectiveness of the supervision and monitoring of the activities and businesses relating to digital assets and the transparency
such instrument to receive money or other benefit. "underwriter" means any person who underwrites the sale of securities to the public. "prospectus" means any document issued for the purpose of inviting
money or other benefit. "underwriter" means any person who underwrites the sale of securities to the public. "prospectus" means any document issued for the purpose of inviting any person to subscribe or
property for the benefit of beneficiaries. This meaning includes a document showing the intention to create trust whereby a settlor and a trustee are the same person. “trust property” means any property as
that the trustee shall manage such property for the benefit of beneficiaries. This meaning includes a document showing the intention to create trust whereby a settlor and a trustee are the same person