Microsoft Word - Selling machinery in related company Our Ref: CEO 020/2018 9 November 2018 Subject Selling machinery in related company Attn. To President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand AgriPure
Microsoft Word - hearing _selling agent & LBDU_ 04122552.doc เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น เร่ือง การแกไขหลักเกณฑการตั้งตวัแทน ขายหรือรับซื้อคืนหนวยลงทุน (selling agent) สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลัก
year mainly due to: 1.1) Revenue from selling of electricity increase 23.91 million baht or 100% due to the Company recognized revenue from Saraburi Solar Farm Project. 1.2) Revenue from Sales decrease
cases: (1) appointment of infrastructure fund’s personnel as follows: (a) infrastructure fund manager who perform duty of making investment decision or divesting of infrastructure asset of infrastructure
the growth in selling and administrative expenses, EBITDA of Other Businesses in 4Q19 was Baht 318 million; increased by Baht 346 million and Baht 830 million for FY2019, increased by Baht 783 million
the growth in selling and administrative expenses, EBITDA of Other Businesses in 4Q19 was Baht 318 million; increased by Baht 346 million and Baht 830 million for FY2019, increased by Baht 783 million
from new Businesses; Dusit Hospitality, Dusit Events, Dusit on Demand and Bann Dusit which fully opened in late 3Q19. Along with the growth in revenue mentioned above and the growth in selling and
24.41%, due to the following reasons as follows; 1. Total income of the Company increases 71.16 million baht or 74.24% compare with the same period of prior year mainly due to: 1.1) Revenue from selling
the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 9/2554 Re: Short Selling of ETF and
Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 9/2554 Re: Short Selling of ETF and Securities Being Underlying of ETF by a Securities Company _____________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange