Microsoft Word - S_2019_GRC-02_025_S43 Share Acquisition_EN Page 1 – Translation – GRC-02/2019/025 11 December 2019 Subject: Report of the Asset Acquisition To: President The Stock Exchange of
reduction. - Reducing and limiting the diversion free cash flows. 8 CASE STUDY METHODOLOGY • Creation of 14 sets of case studies. 4 companies in each case. Total 56 cases. • Examination of a specific
expenses 192.25 167.67 (24.59) (12.79%) Net profit 744.83 716.45 (28.38) (3.81%) Net profit attributable to owner of the parent 735.44 706.19 (29.25) (3.98%) Earnings per share (EPS) 0.44 0.42 (0.02) (3.98
• Acquiring Glow Energy Public Company Limited or GLOW as a significant step of GPSC On 20th June 2018, GPSC had signed the share purchase agreement with Engie Global Developments B.V. to purchase 69.11% shares
aspects of governance and conflict negotiations and how effectively water users share resources under Water Infrastructure Criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard – Criteria Document Climate Bonds
- December 2019) at the rate of Baht 0.80 per share, totaling Baht 2,255,783,493.60. This is the same rate that the Board of Directors of the Company No. 2/2020 on 12 February 2020 agreed to propose the agenda
การก าหนดการไหลของน ้าเพื่อการรักษาสมดุลนิเวศ (Environmental Flows หรือ e-flows)/ ข้อจ ากัดด้านการผันน ้าที่ยั่งยืน (Sustainable Diversion Limit) หรือการจัดสรรทางสิ่งแวดล้อม อื่น ๆ ส าหรับลุ่มน ้าย่อย
/ appointing date) 1. ผูจัดทํา / Reporter หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุนบุริมสิทธิ (Preferred share) ใบสําคัญแสดงสิทธิที่จะซื้อหุน (Warrant) หุนกูแปลงสภาพ (Convertible debenture) หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุ
issued shares in Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Limited (“IRSL”), equaling to approximately 31.79% of IRSL’s enlarged share capital (the “Share Purchase”) at the price of INR 36 per share. The Company would
January 9th, 2020 To : Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand Re : The acquisition of investment in Vibharam Co.,Ltd.’s new ordinary shares, and elder ordinary share which purchases from