▪ ลกูคา้ท าสญัญาวา่จา้ง ใหบ้รษัิทยาเป็นผูผ้ลติยา บรษัิทยาจงึยังคงมชีือ่เป็น โรงงานผูผ้ลติยาตามทะเบยีนต ารับยาดงักลา่ว License is distinct or not distinct from the OEM manufacturing service? How to
No CS11/2017 August 9, 2017 Attention President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject Declaration of Operating Results for the second quarter of year 2017 For the three-month period ended June 30
1188 FAX : +66 (0) 2625 1103 www.jubileediamond.co.th CS10/2018 August 7, 2018 Attention President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject Declaration of Operating Results for the second quarter of year
0 ] Ref. No. IVL 001/05/2021 6 May 2021 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
Ref. No. IVL 002/05/2020 12 May 2020 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
Stock Exchange of Thailand Union Pioneer Public Company Limited would like to clarify the net profit for the 1st quarter of the year ending on 31st March 2020. The Company had revenue from sales at 158
the Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment: Copy of financial statements dated on 30th June 2017 Thai-English each. Union Pioneer Public Company Limited would like to clarify the net profit for the 2nd
the Stock Exchange of Thailand Union Pioneer Public Company Limited would like to clarify the net profit for the 3rd quarter and 9-month periods of the year ending on 30th September 2017 had decreased
หน้า 1 จาก 1 Translation August 13, 2019 Subject: Management explanation and analysis for Quarter ended 30 June 2019 Attn: The Managing Director, the Stock Exchange of Thailand Pacific Pipe Public
Director of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Union Pioneer Public Company Limited would like to clarify the net profit for the 2nd quarter and 6-month periods of the year ending on 30th June 2018 had decreased