Microsoft Word - S_2019_GRC-02_025_S43 Share Acquisition_EN Page 1 – Translation – GRC-02/2019/025 11 December 2019 Subject: Report of the Asset Acquisition To: President The Stock Exchange of
14,000,000 of its registered capital in order to have registered capital at THB 15,000,000 (as per details set out below). 2 For the acquisition of Leyland’s ordinary shares, the share purchase price was
to strengthen compliance Promote transparency in the initial public offering (IPO) share allocation process ● Required issuers to disclose their allocation methodology and clearly identify in the
income and other income 53.24 100.00 188.89 100.00 Costs 20.59 38.67 114.29 60.51 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 108.96 204.66 50.22 26.58 Management
area due to the unsatisfied consequences with the Company growth strategy. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Ladprao General Hospital Public Company Limited Mr. Vitavas Pirmphol Deputy
: million Baht ) 2017 Percentage 2016 Percentage Total income and other income 59.05 100.00 239.69 100.00 Costs 22.39 37.92 144.41 60.25 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss
: million Baht ) 2017 Percentage 2016 Percentage Total income and other income 59.05 100.00 239.69 100.00 Costs 22.39 37.92 144.41 60.25 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss
Costs - - 9.35 72.09 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 28.78 484.51 15.59 120.20 Management benefit expenses 5.21 87.71 5.78 44.56 Profit (Loss) before
Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 57.53 777.43 37.52 78.22 Doubtful Account 86.50 1,168.92 - - Loss on impairment of goodwill 51.20 691.89 - - Management benefit
100.00 53.24 100.00 Costs - - 20.59 38.67 Administrative expenses, impairment finance costs and share of loss from associates 38.23 335.05 88.84 166.87 Impairment of investment in associate 29.81 261.26