KRUNG THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED|Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 17/09/2012 - 01/10/2012
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Long Term Equity Fund : LTF | Offering Date : 28/09/2004 - 05/10/2004
ASSET PLUS FUND MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Specific Fund | Offering Date : 01/01/2008 - 21/08/2008
ONE ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED|Long Term Equity Fund : LTF | Offering Date : 19/05/2005 - 31/05/2005
KASIKORN ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund | Offering Date : 14/03/2017 - 20/03/2017
KRUNG THAI ASSET MANAGEMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED|Long Term Equity Fund : LTF | Offering Date : 13/12/2016 - 21/12/2016
operating result – Relative to last year quarter’s, Loss Ratio had dropped by 8.64% (From 67.87% to 59.23%). Underwriting had been more selective. Sales associated with high risk clients had been monitored
case thoroughly or being selective in doing so. Mr. Sak?s comment not only hurts the SEC?s reputation but also affects investors? confidence, both here and aboard, and the Thai capital market
-year guidance, underpinned by improved 4G network and larger AIS Fibre coverage. QoQ, revenue slightly dropped by 0.8%. The handset campaigns were more selective, resulting in lower marketing expense
. Handset campaigns were more selective with limited discounts, resulting in marketing expenses subsiding from 10.5% to 6.3% to total revenue. Network OPEX rose 36% YoY mainly from fully recognized payment