promote, develop and supervise trust for transactions in the capital market. Such power and duty shall include: (1) the issuance of rules, regulations, notifications, orders, directives or stipulations
The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies to promote, develop and supervise trust for transactions in the capital market. Such power and duty shall include: (1) the issuance of rules
SECTION 8 The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies to promote, develop and supervise trust for transactions in the capital market. Such power and duty shall include: (1) the issuance of
EDITED fourteen days after the date of such appointment or such change. Chapter 2 Management of the Fund _______________________ Section 12. 2 The Minister shall have the powers and duties to supervise and
DERIVATIVES TRADING SECTION 9. The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies, to promote and develop, as well as to supervise, matters concerning derivatives (contract), derivatives business
DERIVATIVES TRADING SECTION 9. The SEC shall have the power and duty to formulate policies, to promote and develop, as well as to supervise, matters concerning derivatives (contract), derivatives business
ตดิตอ่กนั เพิม่ศกัยภาพการแขง่ขนัของตลาดทนุ 6 การเปิด direct access ของตลาดหลกัทรพัย์ คณะกรรมการตลาดหลกัทรพัยม์อี านาจ ประกาศก าหนดใหบ้คุคลทีม่ใิช ่บล. สมาชกิ ซือ้ขายหลกัทรพัยจ์ดทะเบยีนประเภทใด ประเภท
ัง้ ไมเ่กนิ 4 คน • ผูจ้ดัการ ตลท. เป็นกรรมการโดยต าแหนง่ วาระการด ารงต าแหนง่ 3 ปี ด ารงต าแหนง่ไดไ้มเ่กนิ 2 วาระตดิตอ่กนั เพิม่ศกัยภาพการแขง่ขนัของตลาดทนุ 6 การเปิด direct access ของตลาดหลกัทรพัย์ คณะ
5 Section 11. The fund shall have a fund committee which consists of representatives elected by the employees and those appointed by the employer. The fund committee shall have the duty to supervise
11. The fund shall have a fund committee which consists of representatives elected by the employees and those appointed by the employer. The fund committee shall have the duty to supervise the overall