. The securities company shall provide a physical security system which is sufficient for preventing any unauthorised person from accessing to significant computer devices stored in the information centre
the use of prepared electronic devices which such devices are connected to computer or electronic systems of the head office; “Office” means the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Clause
disruption may have significant impact on their clients, undertakings, businesses, reputation, financial condition, and operating performance; “ use of mobile device ” means the use of mobile devices in the
connection to the organization’s internal network systems; “ use of mobile device ” means the use of mobile devices in the operation to access the critical information system via direct connection to the
and damage prevention system which the securities company should provide for the computer centre. Compliance Guideline 1. Computer Centre Controlling · Storing the importance computer devices such as
should take into account knowledge necessary for the personnel to keep up with the continually changes of technology. 10. Resource allocation such as office appliances, computers, and software, etc. which