number of kiosks, which the total of 129,208 kiosks covering all area nationwide. The Company's strategy continues to emphasize on efficient location and allocation strategies by relocating the kiosks from
performance of Boonterm kiosk with the ARPU management more than 5% of growth from 2017 and relocating the kiosks from the area that generate low income to the new area that generate higher income. As well as
Education Business was THB 78 million, a decrease of 4.9% yoy, mainly from - a decrease of THB 8 million on profit sharing from Le Cordon Bleu Dusit due to additional expense in relocating to the new location
Education Business was THB 78 million, a decrease of 4.9% yoy, mainly from - a decrease of THB 8 million on profit sharing from Le Cordon Bleu Dusit due to additional expense in relocating to the new location
stemmed from the decrease in sugar prices and cost of production. Since the 1st quarter of 2017, the Company had been relocating its production lines of sauces and condiments to the new factory, such
furnaces to increase the efficiency of heat transfer by radiation process. Hybrid Cement is a new cement type of Portland Composite Cement where: The formula has been developed by reduce clinker ratio from
in the past 6 months with Mr. Niphon charoenkij prior to this transaction, nor with his related persons or with his close relatives. The purchase land is valued at 3.09 MB, the land will be developed
, and the office was relocated to support the expansion, resulting in cost of relocating and writing off existing office improvements. There was no such expense in this year, which made the Group's
cost from relocating some product from the old production line to the new one; 4) higher excise tax as well as sugar tax following the Excise Act, B.E. 2560, effective since 16 September 2017; 5) higher
current total is 130,109 kiosks, increasing 9.2% YoY, and it slightly increased due to relocating kiosks scheme, which the kiosks are removed from the area that generate low income to the new area that can