Office, or any other higher standards approved by the Office; (b) the limit of derivatives position (position limit) held by the company at any time considering from: 1. total position 2. position without
explained the procedure and measure on price risk management of investment, derivatives and products or underlying issues such as position limit, pricing model, method and frequency in the marking to market
criteria prescribed by the Association of Thai Securities Companies and approved by the SEC Office. Clause 7 The derivatives broker shall set up a compliance unit in which acceptable and reliable standards
any securities; “general advice” means giving advice to any person regardless of the purpose of investment, financial position and desire of such person; “specific advice” means giving advice to any
aforementioned. Clause 6. Derivatives broker shall arrange to have an acceptable and reliable compliance unit. Such unit shall independently operate to monitor the operation of derivatives broker. Clause 7
audit firm, hereby certify and consent to the followings: 1. I certify that the audit firm has audit quality control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply
control system which is sufficient and reliable for supervising its auditors’ work to comply with the professional standards on a continuous basis. Such audit quality control system complies with
are reliably and trustworthy, the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the principles for undertaking business as follows: (1) honesty, fairness and integrity An intermediary shall conduct
shall not be applicable to the following assets or persons: (1) assets of a client which is a mutual fund, private fund or any other similar fund under management of a securities company in its position
position of the business; 1.2 The explanation of business operation and main activities of the company, including securities business operation license of the securities company; 1.3 the amount of employees