* and Form 56*. These rules have caused an unreasonable burden on these companies. SEC therefore plans to improve these rules to facilitate holding companies, which engage in various types of business
The SEC Strategic Plan 2024–2026 prioritizes the strengthening of Thai capital market trust and highlighting the critical significance of investor confidence in cultivating a robust capital market that serves as a channel for fundraising of businesses and investment for investors. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve sustainable development, reduce inequalities. Recognizing the importance of complete, transparent, and timely IPO information for investors’ informed decision-making, the SEC aims to...
government puts an effort to achieve 100 percent electrification by 2030 by increasing energy access in rural areas and securing reliable supply in urban areas and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) through joint
to the project.SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said : “SEC has planned to adopt the DLT into digital infrastructure in every activity in the Capital Market, which will improve all
. The frequency of findings across jurisdictions in the various audit areas demonstrates that the auditors still need to continually improve their performance. On the recurrence of many findings year
securities, which must have liquidity and reliable market price or reference price, are, namely (1) bonds registered with the Thai Bond Market Association and being government bonds or being given
in Treasury Management Transformation from CFO Innovation Magazine, Singapore. The awards reflect the company’s endeavor in adopting new technology to improve efficiency that has been recognized
in Treasury Management Transformation from CFO Innovation Magazine, Singapore. The awards reflect the company’s endeavor in adopting new technology to improve efficiency that has been recognized
have dependable capabilities and experiences in power industry. Board members are competent persons from diverse business areas, many of whom are knowledgeable and long-time experienced in energy and
businesses were assisted in transition to become more transparent in order to meet with good corporate governance practices while commit to create value for shareholders and to be trustworthy for investors