discipline since 3Q22 by removing the freebies in the entry- level package while taking cautious steps to uplift the ARPU. However, the fragile cost-concern environment, especially for price-sensitive segments
, outbound tourists, and economic activity. However, the rising inflation was an emerging factor pressuring purchasing power for price-sensitive consumers to look for cheaper packages. • Competition in the
was hit from inflation that eroded purchasing power in price sensitive customers while the competition remained intense. • Mobile revenue was at Bt29,107mn, decreased - 0.3% YoY and -0.4% QoQ from
was hit from inflation that eroded purchasing power in price sensitive customers while the competition remained intense. • Mobile revenue was at Bt29,107mn, decreased - 0.3% YoY and -0.4% QoQ from
was hit from inflation that eroded purchasing power in price sensitive customers while the competition remained intense. • Mobile revenue was at Bt29,107mn, decreased - 0.3% YoY and -0.4% QoQ from
/ appointing date) 1. ผูจัดทํา / Reporter หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุนบุริมสิทธิ (Preferred share) ใบสําคัญแสดงสิทธิที่จะซื้อหุน (Warrant) หุนกูแปลงสภาพ (Convertible debenture) หุนสามัญ (Common share) หุ
Issued Preferred Shares to Specific Investors To: The President Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Asset Acquisition and Connected Transactions of U City Public Company
fragile, others remained mired in uncertainty in terms of new modes of competition, a broader marketplace within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the digital age, along with external changes
shareholders of ALP FPI, representing an investment of no more than 150 million Indian Rupees (one hundred and fifty million Indian Rupees), and 45 percent of the preferred shares, with the resolution to buy
details are as follows 1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks and preferred shares are 1.1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks are 1.1.1. ALP OVERSEA PRIVATE LIMITED 4,125,000 Shares 13.06