Commission No. OrNor. 7/2547 Re: Arbitral Process (No. 3) dated 13 October 2004. Clause 3. In this Notification: “respondent” means any of the followings: (1) a securities company; (2) a local share selling
SEC Office. (Reasons for seeking an exemption are required for the SEC Office's consideration). 4.5 Having not been accused of or subject to criminal proceeding, whether under Thai or foreign laws
person; (5) not being accused or proceeded in the criminal case by the authorized agency under its law, or has a final judgment of offences in operating derivatives business without license or registration
under the regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand; (8) Being accused or prosecuted under the securities and exchange laws, the laws governing the undertaking of finance, securities and credit
laws are domestic legislations or foreign legislations, : O Yes (please specify) For example, the date of accusation or prosecution ………………………. Being accused or charged of.………………………...………… Under law
in Group 1: (1) being under receivership by court order or being a bankrupt; (2) being an incompetent or quasi-incompetent person; (3) [i] being accused by the SEC Office or being prosecuted as a
, defraudation or corruption: O yes (please specify in detail) for example, the date of being accused or under criminal proceedings ……………………… being charged of.………………………...……………………… ………………………………………………………………… by
by court order or being a bankrupt; (2) being an incompetent or quasi-incompetent person; (3) those persons whom [i] being accused by the SEC Office or being prosecuted as a result of such accusation