, as appropriate. Principle 7.5 The board should ensure the establishment of a dedicated Investor Relations function responsible for regular, effective and fair communication with shareholders and
, particularly those influencing stakeholders' trust and confidence towards the Thai capital market. As well, the SEC is dedicated to striking a balance between market regulation and development to ensure that
creation. Principle 7.5 The board should ensure the establishment of a dedicated Investor Relations function responsible for regular, effective and fair communication with shareholders and other stakeholders
ประเทศไทย เอกสารประกอบการแถลงข่าว “มาตรการขับเคลื่อนตลาดทุน” (ภาษาไทย) เอกสารประกอบการแถลงข่าว “ Transforming Thailand’s Capital Market ” ( English Version ) งานอบรมออนไลน์ในหัวข้อ “ Developing a