Microsoft Word - 60-10_Eng_Explanation of the business profits for the quarter 2-2017.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
Microsoft Word - 62-10_Eng_Explanation of the business profits for the quarter 1-2019.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT 84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
Microsoft Word - 62-10_Eng_Explanation of the business profits for the quarter 1-2019(edit).doc FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT 84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE
Microsoft Word - 61-06_Eng_Explanation of the business profits for the quarter 1-2018.DOC FANCY WOOD INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD. 357 MU 12 SOI SUKSAWAT 84, SUKSAWAT RD., PRASAMUTJADEE, SAMUTPRAKARN
Detecting Corporate’s Earnings Manipulation in Thailand Corporate Governance Attributes and Audit Report Timeliness: Mediating Role of Corporate Disclosure and Transparency and Moderating Role of
Microsoft Word - 5. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (EN) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 (-Translation-) Ref. IR 60/011 December 12, 2017 Subject: Reduction of the Registered
Microsoft Word - 1. TKS - SET Announcement (BOD) (TH) - final (first amendment with allocation ratio).docx 1 ที IR 60/011 12 ธนัวาคม 2560 เรือง การลดทนุจดทะเบียน, การทําคําเสนอซื อหลกัทรัพย์ทั งหมดใน
Retirement Saving via Tax System with Behavioral Economics Implication for Regulation Retirement Saving via Tax System with Behavioral Economics Implication for Regulation แลกเปล่ียนความคดิเหน็โดย
Thailand. Total Expenses: The expenses were lower by 2.53% yoy which was in line with revenues. Shares of Profits: EASON got 26.72 M from shares of profits which was 43.41% lower than the same period of the
of first quarter of 2019 per followings: (THB) Million 1Q19 1Q18 Total Revenues 132.76 142.87 Total Expenses (122.52) (132.23) Shares of Profits 6.95 12.70 EBT 17.19 23.34 Net Profit 14.93 19.56 Total