discussion include Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, Chairman of the Securities Commission, Malaysia, Mr. Pyoung-ho Shin, Executive Director of Korea Exchange Inc., and Mr. Pongsak Lothongkom, CEO of SVI Plc. The other
: Baht7,500,000 (IDR3,500,000,000). The Sources of Funds : INGRS working capital. Board of Directors of the New Company : 1. Datuk Hj Rameli Bin Musa (President Commissioner) 2. Dato’ Dr Ab Wahab Bin Ismail
offering of collective investment schemes to non-retail investors. Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, Chairman of the Securities Commission Malaysia, said ?The ACMF has achieved another significant milestone with the
. The Handbook is available for download at http://www.theacmf.org/ACMF/upload/asean_cis_handbook.pdf .Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, Chairman of the Securities Commission Malaysia, said ?This is a step towards
ทนุ : เงนิทนุหมนุเวยีนของ INGRS กรรมการบรษิทั : 1. Datuk Rameli Bin Musa (ประธานกรรมาธกิาร) 2. Dato’ Dr Ab Wahab Bin Ismail (กรรมาธกิาร) 3. Hamidi Bin Maulod (กรรมาธกิาร) 4. Hishamuddin Bin Lah (ประธาน