. Director structure: 1. Mr. Daniel Ross 2. Ms. Johanna Weichselbaumer 3. Mr. Rupert Simoner 4. Mr. Martin Ijkema Connected Nature: This transaction is not a connected transaction in accordance with the
Holdings Limited, which is the Company’s subsidiary in which the Company holds 100 percent of its total issued shares. Director Structure: 1. Mr. Daniel Ross 2. Mr. Rupert Simoner 3. Ms. Johanna
percent of its total issued shares. Director structure: 1. Miss Soraya Satiangoset 2. Mr. Rupert Simoner 3. Miss Ramona Stefan 4. Mr. Daniel Ross 5. Miss Johanna Weichselbaumer 6. Mr. Martin Ijkema
กรรมการ: 1. Mr. Daniel Ross 2. Mr. Rupert Simoner 3. Ms. Johanna Weichselbaumer ลกัษณะท่ีเก่ียวโยงกนั: ธุ ร ก ร ร ม นี ไ้ ม่ ใ ช่ ร า ยก า ร ท่ี เ ก่ี ย ว โ ย งต ามประกาศ คณะกรรมการก ากบัตลาดทนุท่ี ทจ. 21
Rights, Republic of Indonesia (Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Republik Indonesia) for the establishment of a new subsidiary known as PT INGRESS INDUSTRIAL INDONESIA (“the New Company”) for the
) • Over/underreaction and temporary mispricing (Lakonishok, Schleifer, and Vishny, 1994; Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam, 1997) • Markets are inefficient (Basu, 1977; Rosenberg, Reid, and Landstein
because Aukkrarawat still has to bear the cost of the transportation of the material (Vinasses water) from the Biofuel Mitrphol Factory, Dan Chang which, currently, is 45 kilometers from the project
because Aukkrarawat still has to bear the cost of the transportation of the material (Vinasses water) from the Biofuel Mitrphol Factory, Dan Chang which, currently, is 45 kilometers from the project
Paid-up Capital NIS 294,712,502, excluding Treasury Shares (As of May 2 nd , 2018) Board of Directors Adam Henry Teeger Mark Richards Jacobson Jan Weeger Moulijn Marc Johan Slendbroek Saar Avnery Dan
294,712,502 (ไม่รวมหุ้นทนุซือ้คืน หรือ Treasury Shares) (ข้อมลู ณ วนัที่ 2 พฤษภาคม 2561) รายช่ือคณะกรรมการ Adam Henry Teeger Mark Richards Jacobson Jan Weeger Moulijn Marc Johan Slendbroek Saar Avnery Dan Orian