fund investments. 1. Suchart Techaposai, former executive vice president, chief investment officer and mutual fund manager of AJF Asset Management Co., Ltd., made a careless, imprudent decision to
Bangkok, 12 February 2019 ? The SEC Board has passed the resolution appointing Mrs. Sirivipa Supantanet as Deputy Secretary-General, effective from 11 February 2019.Mrs. Supantanet holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and a Master of Business Administration from Western Michigan University, USA. She has a wide range of experiences on capital market, including supervision of corporate finance, corporate governance, market and securities businesses.Mrs. Supantane...
Bangkok, 25 October 2023 – The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC) has appointed Mrs. Sittasri Nakasiri as Assistant Secretary-General – Strategy and Planning Division, in charge of the Market and Organizational Risk Department, the Strategy and International Affairs Department, and the Research and Data Department, effective from 1 January 2024. Having joined the SEC since 1997, Mrs. Sittasri Nakasiri holds the Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting from Thammasat University and the Mas...
/securities company executive/mutual fund manager/private fund manager/investor contact, took effect on August 24, 2009. The Settlement Committee also imposed a fine of 231,750 baht (approx. USD6,950) on
Bangkok, February 15, 2013 ? The SEC filed a criminal complaint against Sopana Janeborvorn, a former mutual fund manager who was then responsible for the operations of Kasikorn Asset Management Co
Thai Fund manager - renew × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > สรุปกฎเกณฑ์ > บุคลากรของผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ
According to the findings of SEC inspection on the operation of SKFM whose main business is private fund management, in 2018 Mr. King, CEO and fund manager of the company at the time, acted in the
Bangkok, November 17, 2014 ?The SEC revoked the approval of Nakul Chaiyanil, a former fund manager for ten years for failure to perform his duty with honesty in relation to management of 101 Montri
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{C} , who at the time of committing the offense, was the branch manager of the branch where Mr. Pattarawut Thunyajaroen was working. {C} affixed her signature on a cash withdrawal transaction of 9