laundry application (Biospin), which are new innovative products concerning purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target consumers after launching of this product in . . The Group
For commercial laundry application (Biospin), which new innovation product to related purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target’s consumers. Sincerely Yours, Wijit Techakasem
ozonated Water For commercial laundry application (Biospin), which new innovation product to related purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target’s consumers after this products is
(Biosure) and the machine producing high concentration ozonated Water For commercial laundry application (Biospin), which new innovation product to related purification and treatment water systems in
related purification and treatment water systems in Thailand to the target’s consumers. 5.7 In business segment Industrial and OEM (B1) continue marketing strategies that focus on expanding the business in
and Analysis and operating results for the Quarter 3’ 2018 Page 7 / 7 commercial laundry application (Biospin), which new innovation product to related purification and treatment water systems in