(2003)” SECTION 2. This Act shall come into force after one hundred and eighty days from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. SECTION 3. In this Act: “goods” means securities, gold
(2003)” SECTION 2. (( This Act shall come into force after one hundred and eighty days from the date of its publication in the Government Gazette. SECTION 3. In this Act: “goods” means securities, gold
under this Royal Enactment have the characterization of those of finance or credit foncier businesses, the special purpose juristic person shall be entitled to engage in those operations without a license
granted by the SEC. Section 14. If the operations of the special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree have the characterization of those of finance or credit foncier businesses, the special
project unless a relaxation is granted by the SEC. Section 14. If the operations of the special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree have the characterization of those of finance or credit
) finance companies; (3) credit foncier companies; (4) securities companies; (5) other juristic persons as prescribed by the SEC. A proposed project must be submitted together with an application for the
(Translation) PAGE 112 (Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as...
(Translation) Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (As Amended) _________________ BHUMIBOL ADULYADEJ, REX., Given on the 12th day of March B.E. 2535; Being the 47th Year of the Present Reign. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej is graciously pleased to proclaim that: Whereas it is expedient to enact a law on the securities and exchange; Be it, therefore, enacted by His Majesty the King, by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly functioning as both Houses of Parliam...
operated by the company or the subsidiary; (5) merger with other persons which is likely to affect the management structure of the company; (6) lending of money, providing credit facility, guarantee
ปฏิบัติงำน หรือบริษ ัทประเมินมูลค่ำทรัพย ์สินในตลำดทุ นและ ผู ้ปร ะ เ ม ิน ห ล ัก บ ริษ ัทจัดอันดับ เ ครดิต ( Credit Rating Agency: CRA) เ ป็นต้น ทำใ ห้อำนำจ ในกำรกำกับดูแลบุคลำกรแต่ละประเภทมีควำมแตกต่ำงกัน