notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. In such event, the Capital Market Supervisory Board may specify the details of the following matters: (1) debt to equity ratio; (2) period for the offering
, the Capital Market Supervisory Board may specify the details of the following matters: (1) debt to equity ratio; (2) period for the offering for sale of securities; (3) subscription, underwriting and
under this Royal Enactment have the characterization of those of finance or credit foncier businesses, the special purpose juristic person shall be entitled to engage in those operations without a license
granted by the SEC. Section 14. If the operations of the special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree have the characterization of those of finance or credit foncier businesses, the special
project unless a relaxation is granted by the SEC. Section 14. If the operations of the special purpose juristic person under this Emergency decree have the characterization of those of finance or credit
) finance companies; (3) credit foncier companies; (4) securities companies; (5) other juristic persons as prescribed by the SEC. A proposed project must be submitted together with an application for the
a legal entity in any of the following categories: 7 (1) a commercial bank under the Commercial Banking Act; (2) a finance company or credit foncier under the Undertakings of Finance Business
a legal entity in any of the following categories: 7 (1) a commercial bank under the Commercial Banking Act; (2) a finance company or credit foncier under the Undertakings of Finance Business
operated by the company or the subsidiary; (5) merger with other persons which is likely to affect the management structure of the company; (6) lending of money, providing credit facility, guarantee
ปฏิบัติงำน หรือบริษ ัทประเมินมูลค่ำทรัพย ์สินในตลำดทุ นและ ผู ้ปร ะ เ ม ิน ห ล ัก บ ริษ ัทจัดอันดับ เ ครดิต ( Credit Rating Agency: CRA) เ ป็นต้น ทำใ ห้อำนำจ ในกำรกำกับดูแลบุคลำกรแต่ละประเภทมีควำมแตกต่ำงกัน