substitute for the guidelines in Items (6) - (7), for example, conduct regular inspection of mobile devices, or if an employee violates the rules, impose a penalty or remove the access right to application
and regular monitoring and amending of the policy. 3. The management should determine the guideline for conducting compliance inspection as follows: (1) Communicate with the related personnel to be
securities company (No. 2) dated 25 May 2004. Clause 2. In this Notification, “electronic data” means the information created, transmitted, received, stored or processed by an electronic means; “securities
including derivatives fund managers being a financial institution regulated by other agencies; “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent , received, stored or processed through electronic
Companies dated 29 June 2006. Clause 2 In the Notification: “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “ securities company reporting
securities company shall provide an operation control measure for the regular computer operation in order to render the computer system and data processing to be capable of operating continuously, correctly
pursue skill and knowledge enhancement on a regular basis to be able to handle ever-increasing innovations in the securities business. This will not only benefit investor contacts in their performance of
licensed derivatives business operator in the category of derivatives brokerage; “ electronic data ” means data that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures; “ business
established under specific laws or any legal entity licensed to undertake finance or commercial banking business. “electronic data” means statements that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through
calculation as specified in Clause 3. (2) “electronic data” means statements that are created, sent, received, stored or processed through electronic procedures. (3) “securities company reporting system” means