regulations: Regulations that aim to prevent overuse, contamination and other detrimental activities. Water withdrawal: The sum of all water drawn into the boundaries of an organization from all sources for any
amount of THB 175 million, and compensations for damages caused by oil contamination in the amount of THB 63 million. Also, BCPG Plc. recorded a gain from bargain purchase of THB 137 million, from the
imports from Russia through the Druzhba pipeline, capable of transferring 1 million barrels of oil per day, due to contamination to the crude oil. Thus, necessitating the purchase of light sweet crude as
of enterprises which are environmentally beneficial in the following issues: (1) solutions to reduce pollution; (2) promotion of biodiversity conservation; and (3) measures against the adverse
reversal of provisions from SunEdison acquisition in Japan at THB 140 million, and the company received compensation from oil contamination of THB 50 million. However, the company recorded a loss from
Material Paper/Glass/Plastic/Metal Electronic garbage Hazardous Garbage Food waste Recycle Give it Forward Project Hazardous garbage Management Project Pollution Control Department Compost/animal feed Reuse
landfill waste, increasing recycling rate, lowering fossil consumption, less carbon emission, and helping resources conservation. If recycling targets are not met, risks include unsolved plastic pollution
เศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน (resource resilience and transition to a circular economy) 5) การป้องกันและควบคุมมลพิษ (pollution prevention and control) 6) การอนุรักษ์และฟื้นฟูความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพของระบบนิเวศ
ยั่งยืน (sustainable use of resource) และเปลี่ยนผ่านสู่เศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน (transition to circular economy) 5) การป้องกันและควบคุมมลพิษ (pollution prevention and control) 6) การอนุรักษ์และฟื้นฟูความหลาก
due to the decrease in Chinese tourists, there was impact from closed partial hotel’s area for renovation Ibis Styles Chiangmai Hotel in the third quarter of 2019 and the smoke pollution crisis in