Group reported its total revenues increased in the amount of Baht 221.8 million from Baht 1,945.2 million to Baht 2,167.0 million or increased 11.4 percent. The Group’s revenue structure is as follows
····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ····················›››››››››››››››››--------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::///////////////············››››››››››››››››››››› ···...
result of an internal restructuring. This causes the sales revenue to decrease while the production expenses remain constant, resulting in higher cost of sales than sales in third Quarter of 2020. However
. ALLEE, K. D., & DEANGELIS, M. D. (2015). The Structure of Voluntary Disclosure Narratives: Evidence from Tone Dispersion. Journal of Accounting Research, 53(2), 241–274
period between August 18, 2017 and September 12, 2017. The exchange keep the ringgit constant. Payment by cash valuation at 24,000,000 MYR which is equivalent to 196,537,120 THB at the exchange rate of
period between August 18, 2017 and September 12, 2017. The exchange keep the ringgit constant. Payment by cash valuation at 24,000,000 MYR which is equivalent to 196,537,120 THB at the exchange rate of
, 2017 and September 12, 2017. The exchange rate is referred from Malaysia National Bank. keep the ringgit constant. Payment by cash valuation at 24,000,000 MYR which is equivalent to 196,537,120 THB at
the same period of the year earlier and has gross profit margin of 31.89%. because the company has improved the structure within the organization. The company has administrative expenses of THB 3.56
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the person who will become the mutual fund supervisor; (2) relationship between the mutual fund supervisor and the securities company; (3) arrangement of organizational structure and internal controls