SEC plans to revise criteria on the delegation of other persons to operate a business on behalf of the operators of securities, investment management, and derivative contract business in order to
SEC plans to revise the criteria on the maintenance of the net capital (NC) of securities and derivatives business operator. SEC has, therefore, conducted a public hearing on this matter, in
Securities of a Business Takeover b... _ _ Ocean Commerce Public Company Limited 148/1 Soi Ramintha 14, Ramintra Road
from Syracuse University, USA. Prior to becoming Permanent-Secretary, he was Director-General of the Department of Insurance, Department of Business Economics (currently Department of Trade Negotiations
International Business from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA and a Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honors) from Thammasat University. Prior to his current appointments, he was Deputy Commerce
, Chulalongkorn University "CSR - Turning Point of Life and Business" by Asst. Prof. Dr. Suthisak Kraisornsuthasinee from the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University C O R P O R A T E R E V I E
the Department of Business Development, the company registrar in the Ministry of Commerce, both online and offline. Companies also pass on a range of material information to the SEC and SET, which is
business case for high quality corporate governance. Professional organisations (such as the institutes of account- ants, company secretaries, directors, etc) should step up their efforts to promote better
restructuring of businesses and business stress resolution, promotion of good corporate governance for listed companies and market intermediaries, enhancement of measures to empower investors, support for re
business development SEC Roles Related organizations Related persons Sustainable development roadmap Rules/Regulations SEC Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) Related notifications I Code Investment