following conditions: (1) the licensee shall commence operation of derivatives business in the category specified in the license only after the SEC Office having completed its inspection, is of the view that
business shall comply with the following conditions: (1) The licensee shall commence the undertaking of gold derivatives brokerage business only when the SEC Office verifies that the licensee has satisfied
with the following conditions: (1) The licensee shall commence operation of derivatives business in the category specified in the license only after the Office having completed its inspection, is of the
supplementing documents. Clause 7. The custodian may commence such securities business only after the Office has approved that the custodian has arranged its operation system and personnel to be ready to
unit responsible for work relating to fund supervisor ready for performing such work under Clause 2(5), and shall commence such business after having received an approval from the Office. The provision
approval of private fund custodian; □ 3.2 For approval of private fund custodian and requesting for the permission to commence the business, which the commencement date will be……………………… □ 3.3 For renewal of
information to the prospective investors. The management company may offer the units for sale upon satisfying the conditions in (2); (2) the offering of the units may commence upon complete compliance with the
shall take effect as of the date when an approval is granted, but the 2-year period shall begin as from the 1st day of January of the following year. In this regard, in case of granting an approval for
effect as of the date when an approval is granted, but the 2-year period shall begin as from the 1st day of January of the following year. In this regard, in case of granting an approval for the person who
from preparing and filing only such reports relating to the business category not permitted to operate. Such exemption shall desist when the business operator is granted an approval to start operating