aligned with our business strategies, KBank and subsidiaries thus reported net profit for the third quarter of 2019 totaling Baht 9,951 million, a slight increase of Baht 22 million or 0.23 percent from the
market standard-setters, for that matter) have coincided with an uptick in beneficiaries and clients understanding that their investment portfolios have impact in the real world and that ESG issues are
proposed to implement mandatory, TCFD-aligned climate reporting. An additional 5 countries have established voluntary, TCFD-aligned disclosure frameworks. 6 | @CDP Four strategic focus areas
Founding Partners, and endorsed initiatives The Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM), the Paris Aligned Asset Owners (PAAO) and the UN-convened Net- Zero
Bangchak Corporation Plc. Management Discussion & Analysis of Business Operation For the 4th quarter and year ended December 31th, 2019 2 Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for FY2019 Bangchak Corporation Plc. | 03 Table of Contents 06 09 29 25 27 31 Executive Important Events Summary Business Performance 11 - Refinery & Trading 16 - Marketing 19 - Power Plant 21 - Bio-based Products 23 - Natural Resources Statement of Cash Flows Statement Financial Ratios Environment Manag...
Director resolved to approve the connection transaction and aligned with Audit Committee opinion. Please be informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, (Unyarat Pornprakit) Director and Chief Executive Officer
to approve the connected transaction for maximize company’s benefits. Opinion of Board of Director The Board of Director resolved to approve the connection transaction and aligned with Audit Committee
fund Working Capital Benefit to the Company The transaction is aligned with the Company’s strategy to expand the food and beverage business The number of the Company’s representatives for the Board of
become a net-zero business in their scope 1-3 greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; • Paris-aligned business strategy with short, medium and long-term goals; • Shareholder approval required for company’s Paris
เป้าหมายการปล่อยก๊าซเรอืนกระจกสทุธเิป็นศนูย์ (Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative : NZAM) ความรเิริม่ของเจ้าของสินทรพัย์ ผูส้นบัสนนุความตกลงปารสี (Paris Aligned Asset Owners : PAAO) และความรเิริม่ ของ