Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Year End - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010003 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 TH_MDA Year End 1 ท ีACC-O-2010003 1 ตลุาคม 2563 เรือง การวเิคราะห์และคําอธิบายระหว่างงวดของฝ่ายจดัการ ชีแจงผลการดาํเนินงานสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 31
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Quarterly - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010004 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
which have not yet recovered. The high liability affected the expense atmosphere to be sluggish. Cost of goods sold was 641.29 million baht or equivalent to 50.31% gaining from sales revenue which it
atmosphere to be sluggish. Cost of goods sold was 146.00 million baht. It decreased 11.76 million baht or equivalent to 7.45% compared to the same period last year, which was the result form sales decrease
yet recovering. The high liability affected the expense atmosphere to be sluggish. Cost of goods sold was 167.05 million Baht, it has reduced by 3.57 million Baht or equivalent to 2.09%, compared to the
have problem on purchasing power and incomes which have not yet recovered. The high liability affected the expense atmosphere to be sluggish. Cost of goods sold was 148.96 million baht. It decreased
many areas and debt amount remained in high level. Confident index of consumer continuously decreased. Therefore, it affected the expense atmosphere to be sluggish. Cost of goods sold was 138.13 million
increase of electricity sales by 31% QoQ in alignment with seasonal factors, of which during Q2/2019 is a period when the sky is clear with little presence of clouds. Consequently, yielding improved
benefited from seasonal factors during the second quarter of every year that the sky is clear, with lowered clouds and fog. Whereas, the electricity sales of the “Lom Ligor” project adjusted downward, due to