the period as specified by the Securities and Exchange Commission (Bill of exchange sell closing date : October 5, 2021 to January 27, 2022) SEC Act S.64 paragraph 2 Settlement Committee Meeting No
the period as specified by the Securities and Exchange Commission (Bill of exchange sell closing date : October 5, 2021 to November 4, 2021) SEC Act S.64 paragraph 2 Settlement Committee Meeting No
share price including matching orders among those accounts. The actions resulted in increase in the UNIQ closing price and average daily trading volume. These were done in concealment to mislead and
drive up prices, and submitting buy orders during the pre-opening or closing periods to manipulate opening or closing prices. The specific instances of manipulation occurred during the following periods
further fine of 200 Baht each day during which the contravention continued (177 days), totaling a fine of 55,400 Baht. In conclusion, The Court sentenced the accused to pay a total fine of 110,200 Baht
Baht. In conclusion, The Court sentenced the accused to pay a total fine of 110,200 Baht. Since the accused pled guilty, the Court reduced the fines by half, resulting in a fine of 55,100 Baht