stronger independence from the government and improved enforcement capacity and cooperation; > Updating and clarifying SET and SEC guidelines and regulations to remove redundancy and make them easier to
in favor of the SEC guidelines – and also covers clearer revision of mutual fund schemes. For further details of the public hearing, please visit
and suggestions gathered from the previous hearings in August and September this year – the majority of which were in favor of the SEC guidelines – and also covers clearer revision of mutual fund
Discipline ● Proposed to amend the SEC Act to define clearer scope of responsibilities of listed companiesû directors and to empower investors in exercising their rights ● Cooperated with the SET in revising
Foreign Business Act creating psychological impacts on investors' confidence. The index, however, rebounded and moved up toward 900 points in July thanks to clearer political situations following the
Annual Report 2004 S h a p i n g t h e T h ai C a p i t a l M a r k e t A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 4 S E C U R I T I E S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M I S S I O N , T H A I L A N D This year’s annual report features Benjarong ceramics. Benjarong, meaning five colours, gained popularity in the royal court and the high society of Siam in the late Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350 - 1767). But it was during the early Rattanakosin period (A.D. 1782 - present), in the reigns of King Rama II and King Rama...
Annual Report 2006 Khon... the classical masked drama since the Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350-1767). It is performed to the epic of Ramayana, which portrays the war between Rama (the Righteous King) and Totsakan (the Demon King), the Conquer of Good over Evil. Khon masks... headdresses worn by Khon performers, the single most important character-identifying piece of Khon costume. The masks, now an invaluable export item, epitomize the exquisite beauty and unique elegance of Thai fine arts. In Suppor...