from agricultural waste • Industrial waste from SCG, other industries and RDF from municipal waste Rice Husk from Rice Mill Saw Dust from Sawmill Wood Bark from Wood chipper Palm Fiber from Palm oil
of more than 25 years in the business of manufacturing and distributing of wood, lumber, wood chipper, in business of logistic, electricity power 3 Name of the purchasers Profile/Experience of the
Mr. Khomwit has the knowledge, expertise and the experience of more than 25 years in the business of manufacturing and distributing of wood, lumber, wood chipper, in business of logistic, electricity
3 of 14 CPN invested in Grab to create a business partnership and to invest in growth potential business. Investment in Grab Thailand On May 30, 2019, CPN invested in Chipper Global Limited through a
ทรัลพัฒนำ เชยีงใหม่ จ ำกัด ซึง่เป็นบรษัิทย่อย ของบรษัิทฯ ไดเ้ขำ้ลงทุนในบรษัิท Chipper Global Limited (“Chipper”) ในสัดสว่นรอ้ย ละ 100 และ Chipper ไดเ้ขำ้ลงทนุสดัสว่นรอ้ยละ 33 ในบรษัิท Porto Worldwide
with the following new investments. Investment in Grab Thailand On May 30, 2019, the Company invested in Chipper Global Limited through a subsidiary company namely Central Pattana Chiangmai Company