Million or 1.76% when compare to the same period of 2018, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Gross profit was Baht 160.06 million or 11.66% which increased from the same period of 2018 that
same period of 2017, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales by 17%. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1,275.68 million which the gross profit margin was decreased to 10.06% when compare to the same
9.67% when compared to the same period of 2018. The mainly increasing reason was transportation cost as the quantity of sales increasing. 3. Administrative expenses increased Baht 5.94 Million or 6.34
increased 12.51% when compare to the same period of 2016, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 973.97 million, and the gross profit margin was decreased to 6.5% when
increased 12.15% when compare to the same period of 2016, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 973.97 million, and the gross profit margin was decreased to 6.5% when
compare to the same period of previous year, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 5,092.02 million, the gross profit margin was 6.56% decreased from 12.36% of year
Million or 3.20% when compare to the same period of 2018, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Gross profit was Baht 116.73 million or 7.97% which decreased from the same period of 2018 that
increased 29.52% when compare to the same period of 2017, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1,251.16 million, the gross profit margin was 7.26% increased from 6.50
1 57 .3 5 million or increased 13.12 when compare to the same period of 2017, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1 ,2 8 0 .9 7 million, the gross profit
271.42 million or increased 29.27% when compare to the same period of 2016, due to the increasing of the quantity of Sales. 2. Cost of goods sold was Baht 1,021.58 million, and the gross profit margin was