business and provides services for a client with loyalty, expertise and proficiency, including due diligence and care in the same manner as a professional would exercise in like circumstances; (2) operates
with loyalty, expertise and proficiency, including due diligence and care in the same manner as a professional would exercise in like circumstances; (2) operates its business by maintaining corporate
condition of such relationship including the characteristics of business relationship. Clarifications on the said matters should include a comprehensive flowchart of the overall business structure of the
businesses of the majority shareholder materially, the Company should explain the structure or condition of such relationship including the characteristics of business linkage. Clarifications on the said
its business with honesty, fairness and integrity by strongly being concerned about the market integrity as a whole; (2) skill, care and diligence An intermediary shall conduct its business with due
Section 133 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 133. The securities company shall manage a private fund with honesty and care to preserve the interests of the person who has authorized the
to manage the investment for the investor with honesty, due care and with the interest of client prior to the interest of it own. Nevertheless, the organisational structure shall be in line with the
opening accounts or engaging in business relationships with a securities company, but not including provident funds under the provident fund laws; (3) “ultimate beneficial owner of the transactions” means a
clarify the factors that may cause material risks on the business, operation, financial condition and the operating results or going concern of the Company or the group of companies, including risk issues
including the code of conduct announced by the derivatives dealer in compliance with this Notification. Chapter 2 Restrictions in Undertaking Derivatives Business Clause 6 1 In providing services as