AW COVER SEC AR 2014 (create).ai สารบัญ สารจากประธาน สารจากเลขาธิการ คณะกรรมการ ก.ล.ต. คณะกรรมการกํากับตลาดทุน ผู้บริหารระดับสูง โครงสร้างองค์กร ธรรมาภิบาลองค์กร การพัฒนาองค์กรสู่ความยั่งยืน การ
. Hence, despite the lost in revenue, the overall margin for accounting and financial outsourcing did not suffered. For the ERP business, it was a year that we were busy fulfilling the backlog from last
.................................................................................................................................. 32 Engagement to Create Common Investment Standards ................................................................................. 33 The Rise of Stewardship Codes
technologies are not adequate by themselves. Ambitious performance standards create greater downward pressure and likelihood that (i) low carbon technologies will mature; and (ii) overall (and not just relative
, professional, business and investor associations opened up active channels to voice concerns, comments and suggestions regarding the issues of impacts on market participants and the capital market at large. Such
weight) Fund Style Analysis Performance-based Holding-based Transaction-based For today presentation, domestic equity funds are studied in 2 areas. Active Management Style Fund Similarity Market/Index
24.2mn active subscribers and 2.1mn transactions per day. Business Overview 2Q16 3Q16 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 Total usage amount through “Boonterm kiosk” (Million Baht) 5,332 5,766 7,377 8,000 8,778 Total number
24mn active subscribers and 2.1mn transactions per day. Business Overview 3Q16 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 Total usage amount through “Boonterm kiosk” (Million Baht) 5,766 7,377 8,000 8,778 9,311 Total number
24mn active subscribers and 2.1mn transactions per day. Business Overview 3Q16 4Q16 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 Total usage amount through “Boonterm kiosk” (Million Baht) 5,766 7,377 8,000 8,778 9,311 Total number
25mn active subscribers and 2.2mn transactions per day Speed-up strategy to install Boonterm kiosk cover all areas to expand customer base and revenue as well as to prevent competitors entering to