the debt instruments may be unable to pay the debt, all unitholders in the register of the funds on the day of such recording are entitled to the net income from assets received as repayment of debts
the debt instruments may be unable to pay the debt, all unitholders in the register of the funds on the day of such recording are entitled to the net income from assets received as repayment of debts
infrastructure business to raise funds from investors by offering income-producing projects. The proceeds are capitalized in development of new projects, thereby reducing fiscal burdens and public debts while
infrastructure business to raise funds from investors by offering income-producing projects. The proceeds are capitalized in development of new projects, thereby reducing fiscal burdens and public debts while
subsidiary companies is allowed. * except for rights granted to the debtors to exercise premature settlement of loans (callable option); or rights of the REIT to request debtors to repay loans before the