และกำรทำควำมตกลง ( MOU) ในด้ำนกำรกำกับดูแลกับหน่วยงำนต่ำงประเทศและกำรกำกับดูแลธุรกรรมระหว่ำงประเทศ (cross-border transactions) ๔) กำรกำกับดูแลผูใ้ห้บริกำรระบบทีมีนัยสำคัญต่อตลำดทุน สำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. มี
-term and long-term fund in numerous business sectors. Securitization business will also create a new type of financial instrument with high stability which will be conducive to the development of the
create a new type of financial instrument with high stability which will be conducive to the development of the capital market and mobilization of domestic savings. In addition, Thailand is currently
create a new type of financial instrument with high stability which will be conducive to the development of the capital market and mobilisation of domestic savings. In addition, Thailand is currently
General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU. https
stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions and take full advantage of their rights across the EU. https://ec.europa.eu/commission
-single-market/en/policies/trust-services- and-eidentification> ๗ General impacts on stakeholder groups All citizens will be able to carry out secure and trustworthy cross- border electronic transactions