establishment, market development had concentrated more on the secondary market where trading of transferable securities was the main activity than the budding primary market where businesses issued securities
ติง้ จำกัด ที่ได้รับกำรขึ้นทะเบียนเป็นผู้ตรวจสอบ ภำยใต้ Climate Bonds Standard ของ Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) เมือ่เดอืนสงิหำคม 2563 ซึง่นบัเป็นผูป้ระเมนิหลกัทรพัย์รำยแรก ในไทย 3. มาตรฐาน ESG: แป
และจุฬาลงกรณ์ มหาวิทยาลัย (3) Tris Rating Thailand ได้รับการขึ้นทะเบียนเป็น Approved Verifiers ภายใต้ Climate Bonds Standard ของ CBI (นับเป ็นผู ้ประเมินภายในประเทศรายแรกในไทย) ในหมวดธรุกิจขนส่งทีเ่ป็นม
Current Positions Chairman of the Sub-committee on Consideration of Regulations on Issuance and Offering of Debt Securities, Derivatives and Structured Products Chairman of the Sub-committee on
matters under its supervision in accordance with the governing laws . Conducts liable to the supervision include duty performance of market participants such as securities issuers,approved securities
> SEC Board > Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon Our Structure SHARE : Detail Content Detail Content SEC Board Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon Secretary-General, Securities and Exchange
> SEC Board > Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon Our Structure SHARE : Detail Content Detail Content SEC Board Mrs. Pornanong Budsaratragoon Secretary-General, Securities and Exchange
(CMSB) has the power and duty under the Securities and Exchange Act that include issuance of rules and regulations governing the securities industry and reporting to the SEC Board. The CMSB comprises
University, USA Current Appointments Deputy Secretary-General, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Member of the Governance Subcommittee, the Office of the Equitable Education Fund Experiences 1992
University, USA Current Appointments Deputy Secretary-General, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Member of the Governance Subcommittee, the Office of the Equitable Education Fund Experiences 1992