Administration Chiang Mai University Introduction According to Jensen and Meckling (1976)’s agency theory, an audit is an agent cost that helps reduce information asymmetry between an agent and a principal
- - - - -33.64 -100.00 Profit before Selling and Administration expenses 60.37 47.40 33.87 -13.53 -28.54 -26.50 -43.90 Selling expense 9.18 8.54 11.26 2.72 31.85 2.08 22.66 Administration expense 34.78 30.99 25.73
Administration Expense 63.31 16.4 45.08 17.9 18.22 40.4 Profit before finance costs and income tax 46.25 12.0 30.63 12.2 15.63 51.0 Finance costs (0.03) (0.0) (0.16) (0.1) 0.13 (78.9) Profit before tax 46.22 12.0
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revenue for HR Solutions. HR Solution suffered a dip of 3.72mb or -11.6% due to the recognition of a one-off license fee for a big project in Q1 2018. Financial Solutions registered a marginal increase in
revenue for HR Solutions. HR Solution suffered a dip of 5.84mb or -17.0% due to the recognition of a one-off license fee for a big project in Q1 2018. Financial Solutions registered a marginal increase in
was why the company had to have an extra expense. 2.3 The company had a big project which had a revenue recognition in the nine months of year 2018 lower than those in the nine months of year 2017
Relationships and Specific Engagements) 4. (Human Resources) 5. (Engagement Performance) 6. (Monitoring) 9 6. 3 AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs KPMG 2563 - 2564 AQIs 1. * KPMG 2563 Big 4 (partner)1
AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs EY 2563 - 2564 AQIs 1. * EY 2563 Big 4 (partner)2 28 1,113 1.91% - 5.64% 1.57% - 7.20% EQCR) 11 187.5 0.16% - 2.2% 0.32% - 2.5% 72.5 7,520.7 9.44% - 24.6% 3.89% - 21.36
a v e a ls o improved the gross margin from 44.6% in Q1 2019 to 47.7%. Selling and Administration expense Selling and administration expense (“SG&A”) closed at 28.47mb (Q1 2019: 20.92mb), an increase