Securitization; (3) juristic person having the qualifications specified in the notification of the SEC. SECTION 13 A trust instrument shall not allow a settlor or a trustee to be a beneficiary unless there is
settlor or a trustee to be a beneficiary unless there is another beneficiary or other beneficiaries, and the settlor or the trustee, by virtue of beneficiary, receives interest from the trust property not
instrument shall not allow a settlor or a trustee to be a beneficiary unless there is another beneficiary or other beneficiaries, and the settlor or the trustee, by virtue of beneficiary, receives interest
payment out of the fund as provided in the second paragraph, or has no legal heir, such amount shall devolve onto the fund.” SECTION 11. The following provisions shall be added as Section 23/1, Section 23/2
paragraph, or has no legal heir, such amount shall devolve onto the fund. Section 23/1.3 In case of pooled fund, the fund manager shall calculate the benefit of an employee upon termination of his membership
proportion described in the second paragraph. 8 If the deceased has no person who shall be entitled to the payment out of the fund as provided in the second paragraph, or has no legal heir, such amount shall