specified by law, and at least two of whom having management experience at listed or securities firms. Expert board members each hold office for four-year term and upon completion of their term may be
specified by law, and at least two of whom having management experience at listed or securities firms. Expert board members each hold office for four-year term and upon completion of their term may be
be made to the applicable law and standards, including those contained in the Securities and Exchange Act of Thailand 1992. Securities & Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) SECTION 89/7 In conducting the
duties with efficiency, fairness and transparency; focuses on promoting and developing the operation of the securities businesses. At present, three associations related to the securities business are as
and upon completion of their term may be reappointed but not for more than two consecutive terms. Currently, the SEC Board comprises as follows Audit Committee The
Ministerial Regulation and has paid the license fee for the year of such effective date shall be allowed to continue undertaking securities business as licensed and shall not be required to pay annual license
obtained securities business license prior to effective date of this Ministerial Regulation and has paid the license fee for the year of such effective date shall be allowed to continue undertaking
integrity. The SEC also oversees regulatory compliance and enforces the governing laws to ensure that the capital market will be developed toward sustainable growth and generate positive impacts on the
the debt instruments may be unable to pay the debt, all unitholders in the register of the funds on the day of such recording are entitled to the net income from assets received as repayment of debts
the debt instruments may be unable to pay the debt, all unitholders in the register of the funds on the day of such recording are entitled to the net income from assets received as repayment of debts