and business disputes; ● Complaints barred by prescription or limited by time to gather evidence as specified by law. Matters under the SEC Responsibility Complaint Handling Procedure Samples of
exceeding four persons appointed by the Minister of Finance as proposed by the Nomination Committee. Expert Board members must have qualifications and do not possess any prohibited characteristics as
exceeding four persons appointed by the Minister of Finance as proposed by the Nomination Committee. Expert Board members must have qualifications and do not possess any prohibited characteristics as
Nomination Committee, which is also appointed by the Minister of Finance. Expert Commissioners must have qualifications and do not possess prohibited characteristics as specified by law, and at least one
maximum period set by law? Ans. Yes พ.ร.บ. บริษัทมหาชนฯ มาตรา 115 1/1 7 Is a subsidiary prohibited from acquiring shares issued by its parent company? Ans. Yes - ข้อ 15(1) ประกาศคณะกรรมการกำกับตลาดทุน ที่