authorization letter + information regarding independent directors b. Shareholder Approval A vote of not less than three-fourths of the total number of votes of shareholders attending the meeting who are
doing, the association must acquire a license and register with the SEC. The SEC supervises the operation of the associations to ensure that the association oversees the members, and carries out the
authorization. Under the ARFP framework, efforts are made to unify the mutual entry processes for funds that are managed in accordance with the ARFP rules agreed upon among the relevant regulators of the
locally licensed or regulated distributors upon approval as an ARFP fund and host jurisdiction authorization. Under the ARFP framework, efforts are made to unify the mutual entry processes for funds that
undertaken by the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum ( ACMF ) that allows the units of an ASEAN CIS authorized in its Home Jurisdiction to be offered in other Host Jurisdictions under a streamlined authorization
upon approval as an ARFP fund and host jurisdiction authorization. Under the ARFP framework, efforts are made to unify the mutual entry processes for funds that are managed in accordance with the ARFP
CIS authorized in its Home Jurisdiction to be offered in other Host Jurisdictions under a streamlined authorization process. Participating fund managers in signatory jurisdictions using this framework
. Firstly, the plaintiff who commences the case shall acquire the right to be a member of the class in good faith and intend to conduct the case to protect the interests of the class members. Secondly, the
initial issues that the injured person should realize before participating in Class Action. Firstly, the plaintiff who commences the case shall acquire the right to be a member of the class in good faith
shareholder; [(ii)] acquires or is to acquire shares of securities company; and [(iii)] if acquisition is not a consequence of exercise of shareholder's right to purchase shares issued for increase of capital