announcement regarding the execution of long-term Power Purchase Agreements with Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (“EGAT”) dated 31 August 2020. The total investment value for the Transaction is
relations. The SFC is the principal regulator of the securities and futures market in Hong Kong and the primary authority for regulating retail funds offered to the public in Hong Kong. The role of the SFC is
its normal operation since 6 Februay 2017 after planned major maintenance According to the Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) with Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (“EGAT”), which based on
The Derivatives Act The Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 SECTION 18. In order to protect customers, maintain stability of the financial system or control the risks arising from derivatives, the SEC shall
has authority to participate in decision making related to the company’s financial policy and business operation, but has no control over such policy and is not deemed as subsidiary company or joint
Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) and the PTT Group, and the company’s p rudent financial policy. The rating also reflects GPSC’s important role as a flagship company in the power business under the PTT
Power Plant On 6 October 2020, Advance Clean Power Plant Co. Ltd., an indirect subsidiary, entered into a power purchase agreement with Provincial Electricity Authority for Biomass Power Plant with
REV 50 percent by Appointment of the director 2 persons and changing the authority to sign to bind the Company. Make FER EN And 7UP have to control as the following; 5.1 Director BBeeffoorree AAfftteerr
changing the authority to sign to bind the Company. Make FER EN And 7UP have to control as the following; 5.1 Director BBeeffoorree AAfftteerr 1. Mr. Jeerapol Wisaphan 1. Mr. Jeerapol Wisaphan 2. Mr
] has certain behaviors indicating unlawful acts subject to administrative sanction; (4) “authority” means the SEC, administrative panel and the SEC Office, as the case maybe; (5) “administrative panel