companies on the SET and 95companies on the Market for Alternative Investment (mai), the anti-corruption progress indicator of 344 companies or 60 percent attained level 1 or higher, the result of which
asset value has now reached a total of 1,100,686 million Thai baht, an 8 percent increase in comparison to the same quarter of the year 2017. This shows a consistent growth and an indicative that
year. In 2017, the Company achieved a remarkably success in distress debt management business. The Company achieved its record high in cash collection at 1,847 million Baht. Thanks to distress the
year. In 2017, the Company achieved a remarkably success in distress debt management business. The Company achieved its record high in cash collection at 1,847 million Baht. Thanks to distress the
business for 2nd year in consecutive. The Company achieved its record high in cash collection at 2,399 million Baht. Thanks to distress the quality of debt acquired, number of collection staff increasing and
business for 2nd year in consecutive. The Company achieved its record high in cash collection at 2,399 million Baht. Thanks to distress the quality of debt acquired, number of collection staff increasing and
of 28.8% YoY. No. of Rabbit card reached 9.8mn card, an increase of 9.3% over the past 6 months. No. of Rabbit LinePay user reached 4.5mn users, an increase of 55.2% over the past 6 months
”) securities which caused his aggregate holding of NOK shares reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of NOK within the period specified in the notification of the Capital Market
reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of NEWS. He later filed the accurate reports (Form 246-2) to the SEC Office on March 30, 2018. SEC Act S.246 Settlement Committee
Limited (ABC) shares when aggregate holding of ABC in trading account of Mr. Porameth reached or passed five percent of the total number of voting rights of ABC. Such action aided and abetted Mr. Sathit