· Forms 2 Does the firm have policies and procedures for the retention of firm’s documentation for a period of time sufficient to permit those performing monitoring and review procedures to evaluate the
inspection to evaluate its compliance with its policies and procedures? – Monitoring Process If yes, please specify 1) Who perform such function e.g. in-house, outsource, network firm? 2) How often the firm
should assign senior management as the accountable person in complying with Clause 6(2). Provisions in the Notification No. Sor Thor. 37/2559 Clause 6 An intermediary shall have in place information
assign their authorization to the CFO? 3 Whether the firm has designated a Quality Control partner who takes ultimate responsibility for the firm’s QC system? If yes, Does the firm leadership provide the
, how does the firm inform its personnel or what kind of process that the firm use to ensure that its staff evaluate clients risk? 5 Regarding integrity checks does the firm’s conduct, for example
duties but also provide investors with better quality services. In cases where securities companies assign their investor contacts to contact, solicit or advise their customers, the Office expects the
time, the securities company may assign an officer of the head office or the manager of other full-service branch offices to temporary acting as a manager. Clause 6. In case where the securities company
mean time, the derivatives brokers may assign an officer of the head office or the manager of other full-service branch offices to temporary acting as a manager. Clause 6. In case where the derivatives
procedures assign responsibility for review of all reports, financial statements, and working papers to a reviewer who is senior to the preparer? If yes, please describe the policies and procedures If no, how
); (5) review procedures and processes in the management of information security incidents, after the testing under (4) is carried out, at least once a year; (6) evaluate the results of the testing under