transferee on the back of the certificates. In such event, the securities issuing company or the registrar, as the case may be, shall enter the transfer in the register and certify such transfer on the
transfer, shall submit the application to the securities issuing company or the registrar together with the securities certificates which he has signed his name as the transferee on the back of the
provisions under Division 2: Supervision and Control of Chapter 4: Securities Business of the SEA, in whole or in part. 1.3 Paid-up registered capital of securities company The SEC has discretionary power to
may not require a securities company to have a paid- up registered capital in an amount specified for operation of any particular category of securities business, except for a security company operating
to the registrar according to the rules and procedures prescribed by ministerial regulations. If a provident fund which has been set up before the effective date of this Act is intended to be a fund
regulations. If a provident fund which has been set up before the effective date of this Act is intended to be a fund under this Act, it shall proceed in accordance with the first paragraph. Section 7. A fund
Section 306 of the Civil and Commercial Code. However, the rights of the debtor to set up a defence under second paragraph of Section 308 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall not be prejudiced: (1
cause serious impact or damages to the interest of the public at large, the SEC shall promptly report the facts and assess the potential impact or damages in respect of such act as well as analyse the
report the facts and assess the potential impact or damages in respect of such act as well as analyse the issues and propose the actions to be taken to the Minister. Section 12. The SEC shall have the
following cases shall be deemed lawful without notice being given to the debtor pursuant to Section 306 of the Civil and Commercial Code. However, the rights of the debtor to set up a defence under second