following matters: 1.1 Vision, objectives, goals and operational strategies Provide as much information as deemed appropriate on the vision, objectives, goals and operational strategies of the Company or the
tests as such have achieved goals set by companies in aspect of either a time used or recoverable data and that relevant persons have complied with the plan completely and correctly. Also, the report of
business operation and has the duty to convey the goals under the missions, strategies, policies, and operating plan at the enterprise level to the information technology-related goals under the supervision
information shall cover at least the following matters: 1.1 Vision, objectives, goals and strategies Provide as much information as deemed appropriate on the vision, objectives, goals and business strategies of
regard, the information shall also cover the following matters: 1.1.1 Overview of the vision, objectives, goals and business strategies of the Company or the group of companies, as specified by the Board
Goals: SDGs) ขององค์การสหประชาติด้วย 3.2 การจัดการผลกระทบต่อผู้มีส่วนได้เสียในห่วงโซ่คุณค่าของธุรกิจ 3.2.1 ห่วงโซ่คุณค่าของธุรกิจ ให้อธิบายลักษณะห่วงโซ่คุณค่าของธุรกิจ (value chain) ที่แสดงถึงความสัมพันธ์