may decline, currently standing at B563, in exchange for higher ARPH (average revenue per household) in the long run. Expanded strategic digital services for both enterprise and consumer With a complete
ดว้ยแพก็เกจ ที่รวมหลายบริการจะช่วยสร้างรายได้ต่อครัวเรือน (ARPH: Average Revenue Per Household) ทีเ่อไอเอสจะไดเ้พิม่ขึน้ในระยะยาว ขยายบริการดิจิทลัเซอรวิ์สท่ีส าคญั เข้าสู่ตลาดองคก์รและตลาดลูกค้า ทัว่ไป
แพลตฟอร์ม AIS PLAY ทีไ่ด้รบัความนิยมมากขึน้ ซึ่งจะช่วยเพิม่โอกาสใหเ้อไอเอสสามารถหา และรกัษากลุ่มลูกคา้ทีม่คีุณภาพเพื่อเพิม่รายไดต้่อครวัเรอืน (ARPH) ในระยะ ยาว นอกเหนือจากรายไดท้ีเ่พิม่ขึน้ เอไอเอสยงัคงด า
position, we encouraged customers to be on a convergence plan, which will support the ARPH (average revenue per household) in the long term. Mobile Business 1Q17 2Q17 3Q17 4Q17 1Q18 Subscribers Postpaid
household (ARPH) leveraging the high-value mobile customer base and deeper household personalization. That said, we aim to achieve 1mn fibre customers milestone this year, implying an estimated market share
) strategy will be more pronounced as we aim to increase ARPU per household (ARPH) leveraging the high-value mobile customer base and deeper household personalization. That said, we aim to achieve 1mn fibre
of low-price package. AIS focuses on deploying bundled broadband with mobile and digital content to increase average revenue per household (ARPH) leveraging from mobile customer base. Moreover, valued
consumption and intense competition, AIS Fibre focuses on value added service bundling to increase average revenue per household (ARPH) and ease pressure on ARPU as well as maintain pricing gap from competition
customers to grow subscriber base. AIS Fibre focuses on superior service quality and integrated bundling to increase average revenue per household (ARPH). Enterprise business is anticipated to continue
bundling to increase average revenue per household (ARPH). • Enterprise business is anticipated to continue delivering double digit growth – With strong demand for digitalizing business operation under new